How to Start Goat Farming in Nigeria

How to Start Goat Farming in Nigeria

Having a full understanding of How to Start Goat Farming in Nigeria is the first step to having a lucrative and sustainable goat farming business.

Goat farming is booming in Nigeria, a nation with a rich cultural legacy and diverse agricultural landscape. 

Nigeria offers a perfect environment for anybody wishing to enter the lucrative goat-raising business because of its large landmass and pleasant climate.

If you’ve ever thought about establishing your goat farm in Nigeria but are unsure of where to start, this in-depth guide is designed specifically for you. 

We’ll cover all you need to get started on the path to profitable goat farming in Nigeria, from choosing the ideal breed to comprehending the necessary housing requirements and navigating the local marketplaces.

How Profitable is Goat Farming in Nigeria?

Because there is a growing market in Nigeria for goat meat and milk, goat rearing has become a profitable enterprise for numerous farmers.

Because of the nation’s ideal climate and enough grazing territory, goat farming may be highly profitable even at relatively low costs. Furthermore, goats reproduce quickly, which enables farmers to grow their herds and earn more money.

The high level of demand for goat farming in Nigeria, both domestically and globally, is a major element in its profitability. In Nigerian cuisine, goat meat is a common source of protein and is a mainstay in many homes.

Farmers may take advantage of this expanding market and consistently earn returns on their investments by using effective marketing tactics. Goat farmers can also command higher rates for their output, which will increase revenues, due to the growing demand for organic and locally sourced goods.

Goat farming in Nigeria has the potential to be extremely rewarding for farmers who are prepared to put in the time and effort necessary to participate in this booming business, provided they have access to markets, sound management methods, and careful planning.


Here is a step-step guide to how you can start a goat farming business in Nigeria:

1. Research and Learning About Goat Farming

Before beginning goat farming, it is important to learn about the various facets of the sector and perform extensive study. Here’s a thorough breakdown of this step:

Reading Books and Articles

Begin by exploring goat farming-related literature. Seek out publications about goat breeds, nutrition and feeding, medical care, breeding, and management techniques in books, periodicals, and internet articles. These materials might offer insightful information about the foundations of goat husbandry, typical difficulties, and recommended procedures.

Participating in Workshops or Training Programs

Understanding the practical parts of goat farming requires a hands-on learning experience, which is invaluable. Participate in training sessions, seminars, or workshops run by seasoned farmers, extension agents, or agricultural organizations. 

These gatherings frequently address a broad range of subjects, such as marketing tactics, disease control, and goat husbandry methods. You can also share ideas and knowledge with other farmers and specialists, which will help you get a deeper grasp of goat farming techniques.

Knowing the Different Goat Breeds

Nigeria is home to a wide variety of goat breeds, each having special traits and applications. Spend some time learning about the different varieties of goats that are common in the nation, including the Savanna, Nigerian Dwarf, Boer, and West African Dwarf. 

Find more about their characteristics, including growth rate, ability to reproduce, ability to adjust to local conditions, ability to provide milk or meat, and ability to withstand sickness. You can choose the breed or breeds that are best for your farm by being aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each breed.

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2. Create a Goat Farming Business Plan

The next step after learning about goat farming is to draft a thorough business plan that details your objectives, spending limit, and anticipated profits. This is a summary of this important step:

Describe Your Objectives

To start, list your goals and dreams for your goat farming enterprise. Choose if you want to concentrate on producing milk, meat, or both. 

Think about things like your ideal income, your growth objectives, and your level of personal contentment. Your objectives will act as a framework for how your farm is developed and run.


Determine how much money you’ll need to start and run your goat farm. Make a thorough budget that includes costs for purchasing or leasing property, building infrastructure and shelters, buying goats, feeding and nourishing them, paying for medical care, labor, marketing, and administrative fees. 

Take into account both the upfront starting expenditures and continuing operating costs. To prevent future financial hardship, you must estimate your budget with realism and caution.

Expected Returns

Calculate how profitable and successful your goat farming venture might be. Find out the current market prices and assess the demand for goat products (milk and/or meat) in your area by conducting market research. 

Consider factors including price strategy, sales volume, estimated yield per goat, and production costs. Determine estimated earnings and profits by experimenting with various scenarios and durations.

Determine Scale

Take into account the market demand, your ability to manage and grow the business, and the resources that are available to you when determining the size of your goat farming operation. Think about if you want to begin small and work your way up to a larger operation over time, or if you want to start larger right away. 

Examine elements including the availability of land, the need for capital, the labor force, and your degree of goat farming experience and knowledge. Select a scale based on your objectives, financial situation, and level of risk tolerance.

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3. Choosing Appropriate Breeds:

Selecting the appropriate breeds of goats is essential to the success of any farming endeavor. This is the method to follow:

Farming Objectives: 

Choose whether producing milk, meat, or both is your main priority. This will affect which goat breeds are ideal for achieving your goals.

Climate Suitability: 

Choose breeds that are well-suited to the local climate in Nigeria, taking into account the country’s unique climate. Nigerian farming thrives on goats that can survive in hot, humid regions with little access to fodder.

Meat Production: 

If producing meat is your main objective, take into account breeds renowned for their excellent output, quick growth rate, and outstanding meat quality. Boer, Savanna, and Nigerian dwarf breeds are well-liked for producing meat because of their superior meat-to-bone ratio and quick growth.

Milk Production

Choose breeds with good lactation characteristics and a high milk production rate. Breeds such as Saanen and Alpine are very productive milk producers, making them ideal for use in dairy farms. With the right care and feeding, many breeds can flourish in Nigeria.

4. Safe Property and Amenities:

To ensure the health and output of your goats, you must purchase appropriate acreage and provide sufficient facilities. This is what you must do:

Get a Land

Acquire land that offers enough room for infrastructure development, grazing, and shelter. The land must have adequate drainage, access to water sources, and a desirable location.

Building a Shelter: 

Construct robust shelters to shield your goats from inclement weather, raptors, and other outside dangers. Make sure the shelters have adequate ventilation, are roomy, and can withstand harsh environmental conditions.

Infrastructure Development: 

Build the necessary facilities, including handling areas for simple goat herd management, feeding and watering systems, storage spaces for grain and equipment, and fences to safeguard the perimeter of your farm.

You may establish an environment that is favorable to your goats’ health, safety, and productivity by obtaining the right land and building the necessary infrastructure.

5. Consider Nutrition and Feeding

Your goats’ health, growth, and output all depend on their diet. The following is how to create a food plan:

Grazing and Forage: 

Give your goats access to natural browsing areas with plenty of forage. To avoid overgrazing and guarantee a constant supply of new fodder, rotate your pastures.

Concentrates and Supplements: 

To help your goats reach their optimal nutritional needs, add concentrates like grains, beans, and protein-rich diets to their grazing. To address specific dietary deficiencies and improve general health, give out mineral supplements.

Clean Water Access: 

Make sure your goats always have access to fresh, clean water. Drinking enough water is essential for healthy metabolism, digestion, and general wellbeing. Give your goats easy access to water by installing water troughs or automatic watering systems.

You can meet your goats’ nutritional demands and enhance their output by creating a thorough feeding schedule that includes grazing, forage, concentrates, and supplements.

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6. Consider Medical Care and Illness Control:

A successful farming enterprise depends critically on you taking care of your goats’ health and well-being. So, when considering this factor, here are some things to put in place: 

Make a Comprehensive Healthcare Schedule: 

Arrange for a thorough schedule of vaccines, dewormings, and routine examinations by a licensed veterinarian. 

Immunizations guard against common illnesses that are frequent in your region, and deworming aids in the management of internal parasites. Frequent examinations enable early identification of health problems and timely treatment.

Keep Your Farm Clean and Take Biosecurity Measures: 

To reduce the chance of disease transmission, keep your farm clean and hygienic. Adopt stringent biosecurity procedures, such as limiting visitor access, securing newcomers, and routinely cleaning premises and equipment. A major factor in preventing illness outbreaks is good sanitation and waste management techniques.

7. Reproduction and Breeding

A robust and fruitful goat herd depends on proper breeding and reproduction practices. For effective breeding, adhere to these guidelines:

Maintaining a Healthy Breeding Stock: 

Make sure your breeding stock is disease-free and in good health. Keep a watchful eye on reproductive health, including fertility rates, mating habits, and estrus cycles. If there are any reproductive problems, take quick action to maximize breeding success.

Put Breeding Strategies into Practice: 

Create a breeding program that is unique to your farm’s goals, such as increasing genetic diversity, selecting particular qualities, or increasing the output of meat or milk. To get desired results, use breeding techniques like artificial insemination or natural mating. To help with future breeding decisions, keep thorough records of your ancestry, performance, and breeding history.

8. Have Marketing Plan:

To maximize sales and promote your goat goods, effective marketing is crucial. Here’s how to create a marketing plan that works:

Determine Target Markets: 

Do some research to find possible markets and customers for the goat items you sell. Think about direct customers, restaurants, distributors, and local markets. Recognize their needs, desires, and purchasing patterns to adjust your marketing strategies appropriately.

Make a Marketing Plan: 

Draft a marketing plan that details your pricing tactics, distribution routes, promotional plans, and branding projects. Make use of a combination of online and offline marketing strategies, including social media, advertising, website presence, and attending agricultural events and fairs. To stand out from the competition and draw in clients, highlight the qualities, freshness, and sustainability of your goat products as your unique selling propositions.

9. Begin Small and Grow:

By starting small, you may reduce hazards, test your agricultural techniques, and obtain invaluable knowledge. Here’s how to go about setting up and growing your goat-farming business:

Start with a Manageable Number of Goats: 

With the knowledge and resources at your disposal, start with a small herd size that you can properly oversee. This enables you to pay attention to individual care, watch behaviors, and gain practical experience.

Analyze Results and Modify Strategies: 

Keep a close eye on your goat farming operation’s growth rates, reproductive success, health indicators, and financial results. 

To maximize output and profitability, assess the success of your breeding plans and management techniques and make any necessary modifications. Gradually increase the size of your herd and scale up your business as you acquire resources and confidence, all the while focusing on sustainability and quality.

You may successfully manage healthcare and disease prevention, put successful breeding and reproduction methods into practice, create a focused marketing strategy, and gradually expand your goat farming business by following these steps.

10. Make connections and look for assistance:

Making contacts in the farming community can help your goat farming endeavor by offering invaluable advice and assistance. Here’s how to ask for help and network:

Make Contact with Other Goat Farmers: 

Make contact with internet groups or other local goat farmers. Share success strategies, insights, and advice. Making connections with seasoned farmers can help you overcome obstacles and improve your operations by providing insightful advice.

Make Use of Agricultural Extension Services: 

Make use of the agricultural extension services that are offered by non-profits, government agencies, and universities. These services provide informational materials, training courses, and professional guidance on a range of goat farming topics, such as health, diet, reproduction, and business administration.

Join Local agricultural groups or Cooperatives: 

Get access to resources, market opportunities, and collective bargaining power by becoming a member of your local agricultural groups or cooperatives.

These groups provide savings for group purchases, networking opportunities, and farmer advocacy. Working together with other farmers allows you to take advantage of our combined strength and help each other succeed.

11. Keep an eye on your finances:

Effective money management is essential to the long-term viability of your goat farming enterprise. Here’s how to keep an eye on and uphold your financial stability:

Track Revenues, Expenses, and Profits: 

Maintain thorough documentation of all financial transactions on your farm, including revenue (from sales of goats, meat, and milk) and profits (from feed, medical treatment, and equipment purchases). 

Examine your financial statements regularly to evaluate profitability, spot inefficiencies or overspending, and make wise decisions to enhance financial performance.

Seek Financial Assistance if Needed: 

You should think about looking for loans, grants, or investment options if you need extra money to cover startup costs or grow your business. 

Examine banking institutions, agricultural development groups, and government initiatives for agriculture that provide small-scale farmers with financial help. When requesting financial aid, be ready to provide a strong business plan and prove your dedication to success.

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12. Keep Up With It and Adjust:

Remaining competitive and sustainable in the goat farming sector requires keeping up with industry advancements and making necessary adjustments to shifting circumstances. Here’s how to continue learning and being flexible:

Continuous Learning: 

Use continuous learning to stay up to date on best practices, new developments in technology, and industry trends. Attend goat farming-related conferences, webinars, seminars, and workshops. To stay up to date on the newest advancements and advances in the industry, subscribe to agricultural magazines, newsletters, and internet discussion boards.

Modify Farming Practices: 

Adjust your farming practices to market demand, customer feedback, and shifting environmental circumstances.

Try out new methods, tools, or breeds to increase productivity, profitability, and efficiency. Keep an eye on consumer preferences and market developments to modify your production methods and product offerings.

13. Keep Records Up to Date:

Maintaining precise and comprehensive documentation is crucial for efficient farm administration and decision-making. Here are some reasons why it’s crucial to keep records and some tips for doing so:

Monitor Goat Health and Performance: 

Keep track of all immunizations, medical histories, and treatments for your goats. Keep track of information on breeding and reproduction, including records of kidding, pregnancy results, and mating dates. 

Keep an eye on the results of production, such as growth rates, feed conversion ratios, and milk yields. These logs offer insightful information about the general well-being, output, and financial success of your goat herd.

Assess Progress and Determine Needs for Improvement: 

Utilize your farm’s documentation to assess its operations, pinpoint opportunities for enhancement, and arrive at well-informed conclusions. 

Examine historical trends, contrast various management approaches, and pinpoint the elements affecting profitability and productivity. You can pinpoint your goat farming operation’s advantages, disadvantages, and areas for improvement by routinely going over your records.

14. Give animal welfare priority

It’s not just morally right to take care of your goats; it’s also essential to the profitability of your agricultural operation. Here’s how you give animal welfare priority:

Provide Adequate Housing: 

Make sure your goats are protected from inclement weather, predators, and other outside dangers by having access to clean, cozy, and well-ventilated shelters. Plan the housing to meet the unique requirements of goats, making sure there is enough room for them to walk around, eat, and relax.

Make Sure They’re Getting Enough Nutrition: 

To ensure your goats are getting enough nutrition, feed them a balanced diet that includes high-quality grass, grains, minerals, and supplements. 

To keep them as healthy and productive as possible, keep an eye on their food consumption and modify feeding procedures as necessary. 

Always having access to fresh, clean water is important to maintain appropriate hydration and prevent dehydration.

Maintaining Healthcare Standards

Create a schedule for vaccines, deworming, hoof trimming, and veterinary examinations regularly. 

To stop infections from spreading and to protect your goats’ health, take quick care of any health problems and administer the proper medical care. To reduce the chance of disease transmission and preserve the health of the herd, implement biosecurity measures.

Handle Animals Gently and Ethically

Always show your goats kindness, respect, and care. To reduce anxiety and discomfort, handle them gently throughout handling, transportation, and medical treatments. 

Steer clear of harsh or violent techniques that can injure or upset the animals. Encourage moral behavior that puts goat well-being first and improves the animals’ general health and output.

15. Be Dedicated and Unwavering

Goat farming is a fulfilling but difficult job that calls for commitment, perseverance, and hard labor. Here’s how you maintain your will and tenacity:

Retain Dedication

Despite obstacles or disappointments, never waver from your commitment to your business’s objectives and vision for goat farming. Understand that goat farming requires perseverance, patience, and work to succeed. Keep your attention on attaining sustainability and long-term success while setting reasonable objectives.

Accept Hard Work

Set aside a substantial amount of time, money, and effort for your goat farming venture. Accept the physical rigors of farm labor, such as cleaning, feeding, and tending to the animals. Be proud of the difference you’re making in the lives of your goats and the people in your town.

Have Patience

Recognize that advancements in goat husbandry could be slow and nonlinear. When facing challenges, picking up from errors, and adjusting to shifting conditions, exercise patience and perseverance. Have faith in your skills and never lose sight of the satisfaction and rewards that come from caring for and producing healthy, fruitful goats.


Goat farming is a well-liked and lucrative enterprise that makes a substantial contribution to the agricultural sector in Nigeria. State, size, and location-specific restrictions differ about goat farming licenses. Small-scale farmers frequently work without official permission, even though some governments may demand licenses for commercial-scale operations.

Nonetheless, getting a license can have some benefits, including eligibility for subsidies and government assistance programs as well as possible alliances with farming associations.

Additionally, it guarantees that your farm conforms to rules and specifications established by authorities, which can improve your company’s reputation in the marketplace.

Small-scale goat farming for local sales or personal consumption usually doesn’t require a license in your town.

For large-scale goat farming, you may need to seek licenses from several government organizations if you intend to operate a large-scale goat farm. This may consist of:

  • Department of Veterinary Services: Permits may be needed from this department to relocate animals, control diseases, and set up a special farm.
  • Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development: Certain operations, such as the breeding or interstate sale of goats, may be subject to license requirements from this ministry.
  • Authorities in local government: Local government organizations may have extra licensing requirements about zoning, trash management, or animal welfare, depending on where you live.


Establishing a goat farm in Nigeria has the potential to be a profitable economic endeavor, but it’s crucial to understand the costs and investments needed. Depending on your location, starting a goat farm in Nigeria can cost anywhere from ₦1,00,000 and ₦5,00,000.

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Here are some notable goat farming businesses in Nigeria:

  1. Chi Farms Limited: Chi Farms is one of the largest integrated agricultural companies in Nigeria, involved in various aspects of livestock farming, including goat farming.
  2. Amo Farm Sieberer Hatchery Limited: This company is known for its expertise in poultry farming but also engages in goat farming and other livestock ventures.
  3. Livestock247 is an online platform that connects buyers and sellers of livestock, including goats, facilitating transactions and promoting transparency in the livestock market.
  4. Eggs & Hen Farms Nigeria Limited: Although primarily focused on poultry farming, this company also ventures into goat farming, providing quality goats for both meat and breeding purposes.
  5. Wacot Limited: Wacot Limited is a diversified agribusiness company in Nigeria involved in various agricultural activities, including livestock farming, which encompasses goat farming among its operations.
  6. Promasidor Nigeria: While primarily known for its dairy and beverage products, Promasidor Nigeria is also involved in livestock farming, including goat rearing.
  7. Olam Nigeria: Olam Nigeria is a leading agribusiness company engaged in various agricultural activities, including livestock farming, which includes goat farming among its operations.
  8. Fresco Goat Farms: Located in Lagos State, Fresco Goat Farms specializes in goat farming and offers services such as goat sales, breeding, and consultancy.
  9. Olashore International School Farm: This educational institution runs a farm that includes goat farming as part of its agricultural activities, providing practical learning experiences for students and contributing to local agriculture.
  10. Kepa Farms: Kepa Farms is involved in goat farming, offering quality goats for sale and breeding services.


1. What are the basic requirements for starting a goat farm in Nigeria?

Land, shelter, fencing, water source, and quality breed goats are essential to start goat farming in Nigeria.

What are the most suitable goat breeds for farming in Nigeria?

 Some popular goat breeds for Nigerian farming include Boer, Saanen, Nubian, and Alpine.

How much initial investment is needed to start a goat farm in Nigeria?

The initial investment can vary but typically ranges from ₦500,000 to ₦1,000,000 depending on the scale of the farm.

What kind of housing is required for goats in Nigeria?

Adequate housing with proper ventilation and drainage is necessary to ensure the health and well-being of your goats.


For those who are prepared to invest the necessary time and energy, beginning a goat farming business in Nigeria can be a profitable endeavor.

A prosperous goat farm can be established and the nation’s agricultural sector can be strengthened by ambitious farmers following the guidelines provided in this article. It’s critical to carry out in-depth study, consult with professionals, and keep up-to-date on the finest techniques for raising goats.

You can make your passion for goat farming into a successful and long-lasting business with the right preparation, commitment, and hard work.



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