List Of All Game Reserves In Nigeria

Game Reserves In Nigeria
game reserves in Nigeria

Nigeria, renowned for its dynamic culture and pulsating cities, has a thriving biodiversity in many wildlife reserves. 

These protected areas allow visitors to take in the spectacular beauty of nature and act as safe havens for species. 

This exhaustive list shows every outstanding wildlife reserve dispersed over Nigeria’s varied environment, from the vast plains of Yankari National Park to the deep woods of Cross River National Park. 

Consequently, as we delve into this exciting guide, get ready to go out on a voyage into Nigeria’s untamed game reserves, whether you’re an avid nature fan or simply looking for a new adventure.

This list of all game reserves in Nigeria will make you appreciate Nigeria’s nature and natural resources. 

What are Game Reserves?

The conservation and protection of wildlife and their habitats is the sole purpose of game reserves, which are protected sections of land. These reserves were created primarily to preserve biodiversity and give different animal species a place to live and prosper in the wild. 

People can view and appreciate wildlife in their natural habitats by visiting game reserves frequently used for ecotourism and educational purposes.

Game reserves differ from national parks because they frequently employ more lax management techniques and may permit specific controlled activities like hunting or restricted human habitation. 

Wildlife preservation is the primary goal of game reserves, and they frequently play a crucial part in the conservation efforts for endangered species.

Animals are often shielded within game reserves from poaching, habitat damage, and other human activities that can upset the ecosystem’s natural equilibrium.

The goal of managing populations of different species and ensuring the long-term survival of the environment is what game reserve managers and conservationists do.

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List of all Game Reserves in Nigeria

Here is a list of game Reserves in Nigeria:

1. Gashaka Gumti National Park

List Of All Game Reserves In Nigeria
Nigerian Game reserves

First on our list of best Game Reserves in Nigeria is Gashaka Gumti National Park. This national park, with a  total area of 6,402 km2, is one of the best in Nigeria and one of the biggest in Africa. It was opened in 1991 in the eastern part of Adamawa and Taraba States.

While the southern portion of this wildlife reserve is a rugged topography with very High Mountains, steep slopes, and deep valleys, the northern portion is Savannah grassland.

It is located at a height of 457 meters (1,499 feet). During the dry season, there is always a river that flows abundantly. Numerous species, including African leopards, lions, rhinoceroses, elephants, and Cape buffalo, among others, can be found there. It is a destination for tourists that enjoy traveling.

2. Chad Basin National Park

List Of All Game Reserves In Nigeria
Nigerian Game reserves

Thinking of a game reserve to visit in the northern part of Nigeria is Chad Basin, National Park. This National Park has a total land area of around 2,258 km2 and is situated in northeastern Nigeria in the Chad Basin. 

The park is divided into three sections: the Chad Basin in northeastern Nigeria, the Bade-Nguru Wetlands in Yobe State (Sahel biological zone), and the Chingurmi-Duguma in Bornu State.

A sizable water reservoir improves the quality of life for migratory birds who make the area their home during the rainy season. 

People can observe the animals while journeying on the Dabarmagini Lake or Lake Nguru. Some enjoyable things in this National Park may be done are horseback riding and hiking.

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3. Kainji Lake National Park

Kainji Lake National Park is among Nigeria’s best game reserves in Kwara State and Niger State. It was established in 1978, and its total area is roughly 5,340.82 km2. 

The park is divided into three distinct areas: the Zugurma game reserve in the southeast, a section of Kainji Lake where fishing is prohibited, and the Borgu game reserve west of the lake.

This game reserve, home to a wide range of wildlife, is a fun place to spend some time. The Oli River and the park both contain Kali Hills. 

Many different types of wildlife may be seen in this area, including lions, hippos, aardvarks, and leopards. The tourist camps provide conveniences like power and other things.

4. Cross River National Park

Next on our list of game reserves in Nigeria is Cross River National Park. Okwangwo and Oban are the two regions of the National Park. The former was founded in 1991, whereas the latter was founded in 1988. Its total area is almost 4,000 km2.

Tropical rainforests cover the majority of the country’s northern and central regions. While being located in coastal areas are mangrove swamps.

In this national park, sixteen species of primates have been identified. Drills, gorillas, chimpanzees, and gray-cheeked mangabeys are the most frequently encountered primates. Some of these primates are no longer alive. 

Also, the park has faced numerous issues, including poaching, illegal logging, and bush farming.

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5. Kamuku National Park 

Kamuku National Park, located in Kaduna, northwest Nigeria, is a breathtaking example of the nation’s extensive natural wealth. This vast sanctuary, which covers an area of more than 1,120 km2, is home to various breathtaking landscapes and vibrant ecosystems. 

List Of All Game Reserves In Nigeria

The vast network of trails in the park will take you past towering cliffs, centuries-old baobab trees, and peaceful rivers that meander through the lush vegetation.

The impressive wildlife population in Kamuku National Park is one of its features. Over 200 bird species may be found in the park, making it a veritable haven for birdwatchers worldwide. 

Every turn offers a fresh bird display waiting to be discovered, from colorful kingfishers to majestic eagles swooping overhead. Along with its feathery residents, Kamuku is a haven for several threatened mammal species, including elephants and gigantic elands. 

These fascinating animals allow tourists to get up close and personal with some of Africa’s most famous species as they roam freely across the vast open plains.

6. Okomu National Park 

Southern Nigeria’s Okomu National Park is a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. 

This biodiverse reserve, which covers an area of more than 1000 square kilometers, is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are peculiar to the area. Prepare to be charmed by the spectacular grandeur that greets you when you enter Okomu National Park.

The deep rainforest that protects countless rare species is one of Okomu’s distinctive qualities. Every inch of this park emanates a magical ambiance, from the tall trees covered in lianas to the brilliant orchids that decorate the forest floor. 

Look for glimpses of elusive monkeys swinging among the branches or colorful birds fluttering around in quest of food as you explore the park’s twisting trails.

Beyond only being beautiful, Okomu National Park is essential to conservation efforts. Through research projects and community outreach programs, the park actively contributes to protecting wildlife species in danger of extinction and their ecosystems. 

You will not only have a greater appreciation for nature’s beauty by visiting Okomu National Park, but you will also help to preserve these delicate ecosystems.

7. Old Oyo National Park

For more fun, Old Oyo national park is one of the famous game reserves in Nigeria that can make you feel at home. This is located in Nigeria’s southern Kwara State and northern Oyo State. It boasts a 2,512 km2 land area with a wide variety of fauna. 

At this park, there are many different types of wildlife, including both plants and animals. To visit, you can enter from the Northwestern or Southeastern regions of Nigeria. 

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8. Yankari National Park 

Finally, on our list of game reserves in Nigeria is Yankari National Park. This reserve is located in Bauchi State’s south-central region.

The park is distinctive to tourists because of its setting in the center of the West African Savanna. It has a total area of about 2,244 km2 with several varieties of flora and wildlife. Wild 

Another exciting thing about this game reserve is that it has a lot of African elephants, baboons, and buffalo, which makes it one of the best wildlife national parks.  

Aside from that, it is surrounded by hotels and tents where visitors can lodge whenever they visit.             

9. Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary

List Of All Game Reserves In Nigeria

Southeast Nigeria’s Cross River State is home to the Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary, a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. This sanctuary, a whopping 100 square kilometers, is home to a staggering variety of wildlife species, many of which are threatened with extinction or unique to the area.

One may see the majestic Cross River gorillas, one of Africa’s most endangered primates, as they travel through the area’s lush forested pathways. Chimpanzees and Nigerian-Cameroon chimps live in the same habitat as these gentle giants, giving primate lovers an unrivaled chance.

Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary is a biodiverse paradise home to numerous bird species; thus, it is not just about monkeys. Avid birdwatchers will be enthralled by the sheer variety available here, from the uncommon and beautiful grey parrot to brilliant woodland robins and malimbes. 

However, Afi’s dedication to conservation initiatives differentiates it from other wildlife sanctuaries. To establish a symbiotic relationship between human populations and environment conservation, the sanctuary has implemented community-driven projects emphasizing sustainable development and offering alternative livelihoods for local communities residing on its borders.

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The game reserve in Nigeria FAQs

What time of year is ideal for visiting these reserves?

The ideal time to travel is often during the dry season, which typically lasts from November to April. Wildlife is more visible at watering holes during this time because the vegetation is less dense.

Are there lodging options within the reserves?

Yes, many reserves provide lodging options, including lodges and campsites. Making reservations in advance is a good idea, especially during busy tourist seasons.

How can I support conservation initiatives?

In addition to going to the reserves, you can help by being a responsible wildlife viewer, helping the community where you live, and spreading the word about the value of conservation.

What are the Game Reserves in Nigeria?

The list of all Game Reserves in Nigeria
1. Gashaka Gumti National Park
2. Chad Basin National Park
3. Kainji Lake National Park
4. Cross River National Park
5. Kamuku National Park 
6. Okomu National Park 
7. Old Oyo National Park
8. Yankari National Park 
9. Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary


Nigeria has various game reserves that provide distinctive and enthralling wildlife experiences. Every nature enthusiast can find something to explore, from the vast savannahs of Yankari National Park to the deep rainforests of Cross River National Park. 

These game reserves support national conservation efforts and act as a haven for threatened and endangered species.

These protected areas are essential for maintaining Nigeria’s abundant biodiversity, whether for scientific research or ecotourism. Plan your next adventure and visit one of these outstanding game reserves to see Nigeria’s wildlife up close.


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