Shocking Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria

Shocking Useless Courses To Study In Nigeriashocking Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria

As a student, there are a few things you should think about before selecting a degree to take at the university or polytechnic.

Before enrolling in a course at any university in Nigeria, do your research. Even if the institution offers the course, there are some that students in Nigeria shouldn’t take because of various reasons and so they are often looked down on or considered “useless”.

Read on and check out shocking useless courses to study in Nigeria.

You may also want to read: Best Courses to Study in Nigeria

Disclaimer: While this article might be provocative to many, it will be best to state this post is made for educational purposes and general reviews we gathered from Nigerian students and some media publishing platforms. This courses are relative, while they don’t work for some, some other persons can create recreative means of them.


Why Are They Considered Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria?

These courses are considered useless to study in Nigeria because of how the country is run and how difficult it is to find a well-paying career or a professional position that fetches a good wage.

These courses have extremely low employment rates nationwide. They are also considered useless because as Nigeria is at the moment these courses barely contribute to the nation’s GDP.

This might result from the course being out of date, being overpopulated with graduates, or not being in line with the needs of the labor market.

Since some courses do not equip graduates with employable skills, they may be considered “useless” courses to study in Nigeria.

While these courses are considered “useless” by many Nigerians, it is also good to know that most people run away from studying these courses in the universities so if you really want to be a creative person making a difference out of “useless” you might also need to read through this article.

Finally, from research and questions we have been able to gather from students, these courses are often not properly thought in most Nigerian universities, people who really love it and want to make a career out of it travel abroad to study it.

Shocking Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria

1. Horticulture

Despite how profitable agriculture is, some sections are ineffective and shouldn’t be studied in Nigeria.

Unfortunately, horticulture, the study of beautiful plants, trees, and vegetables, is one of the least useful academic disciplines taught in Nigeria today.

The economies of the industrialized countries worldwide, where decorative plants are particularly valued, cannot be compared to Nigeria’s.

Therefore, there are either few or no employment opportunities for course graduates.

Except that, you want to start your flower shop, which will undoubtedly fail a few years because Nigerians don’t really care about flowers that much and be a waste of the course’s four years of study 😂. Horticulture is, therefore, one of the useless courses to study in Nigeria. Well, that doesn’t mean there are no individuals making a living out of it in Nigeria.

Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria
Horticulture| Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria

2. Anthropology

The social science field of anthropology focuses on the in-depth investigation of individual and social behavior.

Unfortunately, this course has an extremely low employment rate in a country like Nigeria that struggles economically. Numerous majors in social science, like Anthropology, are unhelpful in promoting Nigeria’s economic crisis.

The field of anthropology, which examines societal behavior and the human body system, has a low employment rate nationwide.

Therefore, if you want to find employment after graduating from college, it is undoubtedly one of the useless courses to study in Nigeria. This course is not the best choice for landing a good job after graduation. This course might be suitable for someone who wants to be an Entrepreneur

3. Social Studies

Social Studies is another course considered among the most useless courses to study in Nigeria. Because there is no place for a major like social studies in the Nigerian economy, it is useless.

Due to the lack of work prospects for Social Studies graduates, most end up teaching high schools. If you don’t want to be a teacher, this course might offer you nothing in the long run here in Nigeria.

4. Library Science

Unless you already have a library of your own, this course in library science is among the useless courses to study in Nigeria. Such courses typically involve a long, arduous effort to obtain employment. You would prefer to work at a library in a primary or secondary school, and most likely a university library.

Schools require students to take this course even though more than 95% of them did not apply since they are ineligible for the courses they originally intended to take.

Library science is one of the numerous majors you should avoid if you’re trying to get into a Nigerian institution.

Library and Information Science graduates must compete for jobs with the few libraries in Nigeria.

Because there are no functioning libraries in Nigeria and many Nigerians don’t read, job opportunities for library science graduates are limited.

Even more so, most library scientists are being replaced by technologies. Therefore, it is not worthwhile to take this course.

Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria
Library Science| Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria

5. Zoology

The study and science of animals are the focus of the course zoology and it is considered as one of the useless courses to study in Nigeria.

Universities in Nigeria connive prospective students into thinking a course is profitable before offering it to many students who cannot match the requirements for their selected degrees.

The major cannot be sold in a nation like Nigeria, where wildlife is not valued.

After graduating, most zoologists struggle to find better-paying professions because they do not fit into many Nigerian businesses.

Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria
Zoology| Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria

6. Botany

The study of plants scientifically is the focus of the major of botany.

Although this course is excellent, it is not well-received in some nations, such as Nigeria.

Botany, the study of plants, is not taken seriously in Nigeria because there is a lack of respect for agriculture and farmers.

Additionally, many botanists have very low employment rates, making it difficult for them to find well-paying jobs and this makes it undoubtedly one of the useless courses to study in Nigeria

Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria
Botany| Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria

7. Home Economics

The study of house administration is included in the home economics major, and it is considered one of the useless courses to study in Nigeria.

They research food science, nutrition, personal and family finance, wellness, and human growth and relationships.

It is a strong major with unique skills that can be developed via study.

When considering the employment rate of its graduates and the economy, it is regrettably one of Nigeria’s useless majors.

Even though home economics is a fantastic career option, Nigeria’s challenging economic climate does not lend itself to it. As a result, it’s challenging for almost all home economists to find work.

The majority of them become high school educators. Therefore, there is no doubt that it is a bad course to study in Nigeria.

Studying home economics for years in Nigeria may be a waste of time in college.

However, it might be promising if your goal after graduation is to start your own business.

8. Philosophy

Although philosophy can be intriguing and provocative, there may not be many job possibilities in Nigeria.

Majors in philosophy research the origins of knowledge. As students think about thinking and learn about learning, it frequently appears to be a paradoxical field.

The study and application of science have prevailed over the study and application of philosophy in the modern period making it one of the most useless courses to study in Nigeria. Instead of involving thinking, many occupations currently on the market are tied to science.

Philosophy majors may get employment as philosophy professors after completing lengthy schooling and accumulating experience. Alternatively, they may continue their studies in other areas, such as law or writing. Those who want to earn a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and find steady employment can look into other professions.

There are few chances in academics and research, and there is little demand for philosophy graduates nationwide.

9. Fine arts

Painting, sculpture, photography, dance, music, and theater are examples of visual or performance-based art that can be created and produced in the fine arts field.

Even though taking a course in fine arts can be an interesting and enriching experience, there may not be many job opportunities in Nigeria.

There may not be as much official support for the arts in Nigeria as in other nations, and the fine arts business there is not as developed.

Graduates may therefore have trouble finding consistent jobs in the industry. As a result, graduates in the fine arts may only have a few options, mostly academic or research positions that might not guarantee a steady income.

Because the field is less developed in Nigeria than in other nations, pursuing a course in fine arts may not result in numerous work options.

In addition, there could not be much government funding for the arts, which might make it challenging for graduates to get jobs in the industry.

Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria
Fine Arts| Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria

10. Religious Studies

Religion, spirituality, and religious activities are critically examined in religious research.

It examines the background, tenets, rituals, and cultural effects of several faiths, including traditional African religions, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

Even though studying religious studies can be rewarding, there might not be many job opportunities in Nigeria.

Most job prospects in the discipline might be restricted to academic or research employment due to the low demand for Religious Studies graduates in Nigeria.

Due to the small number of religious studies-related positions available in the private sector, the course’s applicability to employment opportunities may be restricted.

While pursuing a degree in religious studies can be an interesting and rewarding experience, graduates may have trouble finding employment in Nigeria.

Graduates in religious studies may not be in high demand, and most positions in the area can be restricted to academic or research settings.

11. Linguistics

Linguistics is also considered one of the useless courses to study in Nigeria. Since there may not be a high need for linguistics graduates in Nigeria, pursuing a course in linguistics may not result in many job prospects.

Although there may be opportunities in academia or research, the course’s applicability regarding job prospects may be constrained.

12. Physical Health Education

Physical Health Education is among the useless courses to study in Nigeria. In affluent nations, the degree will lead to a great profession, but in a place like Nigeria, your chances of finding employment as a fitness coach or instructor are slim.

In this difficult economic climate, many Nigerians are more concerned with getting by than maintaining their physical health.

Many graduates of physical health education become primary or secondary school teachers. Unless you are ready to be an Entrepreneur who owns a gym house, this course might not really offer much.

Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria
Physical Health Education| Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria

13. Sociology

Here is another excellent course that is one of the useless courses to study in Nigeria. In contrast to industrialized nations, the study of sociology, which deals with understanding people and their social relationships, is not particularly rewarding in economies like Nigeria.

Like anthropology, sociology is a social science major that examines social life, change, and the social causes and effects of human behavior.

However, it has also been considered among the most useless courses to study in Nigeria. Therefore, this major is another good course.

Contrary to other affluent nations, Nigeria has a wounded economy, making the major, which extensively deals with understanding humans and their social interactions, unprofitable.

If you don’t have the resources or connections in Nigeria to study sociology, it is surely a waste of time.

In contrast to other highly developed nations, sociology is neither in demand nor profitable in Nigeria.

In Nigeria today, studying sociology would be a waste of time if you lacked resources and connections. After graduation, the majority of sociology graduates find themselves underemployed or jobless. As a result, it is among the useless courses to study in Nigeria.

14. Elementary Education

Unexpectedly, some schools still provide elementary education courses. But, except for those who have a passion for instructing young children in nursery and primary schools, elementary education is one of the useless courses to study in Nigeria.

You can choose other courses with high employment rates rather than wasting years studying Elementary Education as a course.

15. Crop Science

One of the useless courses to study in Nigeria is crop science, which studies crops and diseases. This course is less lucrative than others because there are few or no employment options.

Except for a few reputable companies, most farmers in Nigeria might not think this course is necessary. This implies that you might not be able to find employment without a connection.

Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria
Crop Science| Useless Courses To Study In Nigeria

Benefits of Choosing Courses Wisely

1. Job Prospects

Some courses might not be in great demand on the job market or have restricted job prospects. Individuals might improve their chances of getting a job after graduation by reasonably choosing an academic program.

2. Industry Demand

Some courses might not meet the market’s needs, which could hurt employment prospects for those who have taken them.

Individuals can improve their chances of finding employment and getting good pay by selecting a course that aligns with the current market’s demands.

3. Personal Interests

While career opportunities and market demand are crucial, picking a course that fits your passions and interests is crucial.

Studying a course you’re enthusiastic about can result in contentment and satisfaction on a personal level.

Which course is dominated by female students?

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that women comprise 92.3% of registered nurses. Nursing is one of the industries with the highest percentage of women working in it, which has maintained its importance and status.

Which course is the hardest in Nigeria?

Medicine and Surgery; Medical and allied fields offer some of the best financial rewards for Nigerian students. Unaffected by the sector they work in, doctors, surgeons, and other medical professionals earn some of the highest salaries in Nigeria.

Which profession in Nigeria receives the best pay?

One of Nigeria’s vocations with the highest salaries is in the healthcare industry. Unfortunately, there is a nationwide shortage of health experts. The highest-paid profession in Nigeria is that of the surgeon. An average of 11,700,000 is what doctors make annually.


Most courses on our list are beneficial and may be profitable abroad. Even in Nigeria, you can find employment with them, so they are not completely useless. However, because they are unrelated to Nigeria’s economy, these courses have a low employment rate, so they are considered useless courses to study in Nigeria. Therefore, before enrolling in any of these courses, we urge you to think seriously.

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