Best Places To Learn Coding In Lagos

Best Places To Learn Coding In Lagos

The world of today is becoming increasingly tech-driven. For everyone attempting to succeed in the modern digital environment, knowing how to code stands out as a crucial talent. Professionals from a variety of businesses, not just the IT sector, are gradually realizing how important it is to know.    

Technology currently has an impact on every industry. Nowadays, anyone can create software for almost anything; therefore, there is almost any need to carry out any tasks by hand! It’s possible that this will have a big impact on how we live.

But in order to program computers to carry out all the activities we need, people must learn how to code. Not everyone can program, nor is it necessary for everyone. But if everyone learned to program, they would have a fresh perspective and the capacity to create things they had never dreamed conceivable.

A great transferable skill is computational thinking, which enables you to not only examine and appreciate issues and defects in computer systems but also to understand how to solve everyday life difficulties.

Despite several infrastructure and systemic issues, coding provides African developers with a means of making a difference in society and generating income. According to the World Bank’s IFC and Google’s report, the internet economy in Africa is expected to grow at a rate that would add $180 billion, or 5.2%, to global GDP by 2025.

Do you wish to learn how to code and you don’t know where to acquire the skill?

In this article, you will learn more about the Best Places To Learn Coding in Lagos. Stay glued!

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Coding Vs. Programming

Have you been wondering if there is a difference between coding and programming or do they mean the same to you? Here are the differences between coding and programming;

Coding is a component of programming that involves writing machine-readable codesProgramming is the process of making programs through the ratification of codes.
Coding demands fundamental programming knowledge without the use of any software tools.In order to manage programming abilities and tools more effectively, one needs a solid understanding of programming concepts.
Working on simple projects is made easier with coding skills.Understanding programming is helpful for managing and working on large projects
Simple tools and syntax are needed for codingNumerous tools and syntaxes are needed for programming.
It uses the trial-and-error method and doesn’t require any prior planning.A thorough approach and a piece of specific knowledge are required for programming.

How Much Does Learning Programming Cost In Lagos?

In Nigeria, it is difficult to assign programming courses a set price. Many of the elements that affect the price have already been covered. However, you may purchase programming tutorials for as little as 10,000 Naira and others for approximately 100,000 Naira. Whatever you learn will depend on who you learn it from, what you learn, and how long you learn it.

The desired course of action is to look at several websites that provide programming tutorials. Examine the costs and lesson quality of different platforms to compare them. The greatest programming training platform within your price range can be found.

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Where Can I Learn Coding In Lagos Nigeria

If you want to learn coding in Lagos, here are the places where you can learn coding in Lagos Nigeria;

  1. Moat Academy
  2. Anchorsoft Academy
  3. Audax Code Academy
  4. The Switch Coding Academy
  5. Indian Institute of Hardware Technology (IIHT)
  6. Univelcity
  7. Andela Learning Community
  8. GirlsCoding
  9. Decagon
  10. CodeSpark

1. Moat Academy

Adeitan Abimbola Moses has always had a propensity for using code to find solutions to issues, despite the fact that he graduated from Tasued as an accounting student. He began his Web development career at W3schools after graduating.

He joined Moat Academy to improve his coding skills, and as a result, he graduated among the best students in his cohort. To control the collection and disposal of recyclable waste with financial incentives for users, he created the web application Trashit.

In Lagos, Nigeria, Moat Academy provides 16-week part-time and 11-week full-time software engineering courses. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, PHP or Python, and version control are all covered in the curriculum for both degrees. Moat Academy is one of the well-known places to learn coding in Lagos.

Students will master advanced subjects in PHP or Python, including how to design APIs, connect to web services, validate forms, manipulate files, manage sessions, manage emails, and authenticate users, it is one of the best places to learn coding in Lagos

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learn coding in lagos
Moat Academy| Best Places To Learn Coding In Lagos

2. Anchorsoft Academy

A teaching facility for software engineering exists at Anchorsoft Academy. They provide training in software programming for the web, mobile devices, and restful APIs as one of the top schools to learn to code in Lagos, Nigeria.

They also provide complimentary courses in UI/UX Design, Database Development, and Administration, QA Testing & DevOps, and Cloud (IaaS & PaaS) in addition to software development courses.

There are three segments to the training program’s schedule: regular, weekends, and on-demand training. The regular training is intended for secondary school graduates, college students, and recent graduates.

3. Audax Code Academy

Audax 1 KnowNigeria

One of the best places to learn coding in Lagos is Audax Code School.

For Nigerian kids in primary and secondary schools, the school was founded to promote digital literacy through coding in an engaging and enjoyable manner.

The school has everything you need for a superb learning environment, including netbooks, a projector and screen, a microphone, speakers, wireless and LAN internet, electricity, and air conditioning. There are 150 seats available.

4. The Switch Coding Academy

The Switch Coding Academy is renowned for its intensive training in scriptwriting, decoding, and code writing, with an emphasis on identifying and developing technological talent.

Switch Coding Academy is located at 42 Montgomery Road, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria. One of the key institutions in the Nigerian IT revolution plan is this institution. They provide interested students with a year-long training program and a three-month fellowship.

Following a year of rigorous training, Switch Academy students will be sent to 3-month intensive training programs in various businesses to advance the development of their information technology skills.

Before applying for additional training with them as a fellow, you must possess a foundational understanding of coding to be a part of this moving canoe, albeit there are certain advantages.

As payment for having your fellowship with them, the switch will give you stipends for lodging, travel, and other expenses and it is one of the best places to learn coding in Lagos.

5. Indian Institute of Hardware Technology (IIHT)

Established in 1993, the Indian Institute of Hardware Technology is a sizable Asia IT organization. India is where it is headquartered. Over the years, the IIHT has expanded into a renowned information technology company with more than 100 training facilities worldwide.

Although IIHT also has a location in Lagos, Nigeria, it is undoubtedly one of the greatest places to take programming classes. They provide IT training in areas such as Java programming, Oracle, software development, networking, Cisco, etc and it is a great place to learn coding in Lagos.

6. Univelcity

One of the top places to learn to code in Lagos is Univelcity. In addition to teaching pupils technology abilities, the school also teaches them soft skills that will make them outstanding in the job market.

The study atmosphere at the school is excellent, and it has all the amenities required to make learning convenient and fun.

To accommodate working professionals, Univelcity provides both in-person and online classes on weekdays and weekends.

7. Andela Learning Community

Learn Coding In Lagos Nigeria

One of the best places to learn coding languages like JavaScript, Machine Learning, CSS, Robotics, etc., is Andela Learning Community.

PluralSight and Grow With Google are partners with Andela Coding School. The school makes investments in eager developers, assisting them in developing their commercial and interpersonal abilities as well as their competency in software development.

Young African developers are to be taught mobile web, iOS, and Google Cloud technologies at the school. Upon completion of the program, satisfied participants get certificates of achievement.

Prior to operating entirely remotely starting in 2020, Andela offered free coding lessons in physical locations in Lagos, Nairobi, and Kampala.

8. GirlsCoding

GirlsCoding is a coding course taught to young girls from orphanages, slums, and other underprivileged communities in Lagos, coordinated by Pearls Africa.

This school helps in enhancing young girl’s and women’s resourcefulness through our extensive programs.

GirlsCoding gives young people at school the power they need by offering STEM projects and short, well-researched courses. GirlsCoding is committed to teaching young people STEM skills through an organized program.

The group wants to see more women working in technology on a global scale. GirlsCoding offers courses in front-end development, back-end development, app development, and full-stack programming for female techies.

In Nigeria, GirlsCoding operates more than 50 schools. The address of their location is 55 Moleye Street, Alagomeji, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos.

9. Decagon

Another one of the best places to learn to code in Lagos is Decagon.

Decagon provides intensive learning to students who are interested in learning programming. The school offers accommodation, feeding, laptop, electricity, internet, and a monthly stipend to students for the six months duration of their studies.

The school provides its students with cutting-edge, useful skills that will motivate them to succeed in the computer sector and help them find high-paying professions.

However, at Decagon, you have the option of paying your training fee all at once or in payments once you complete the program and get employment.

The coding school offers a rigorous 6-month course that teaches students full-stack software programming as well as supplementary soft skills that will help them succeed in a cutthroat job market.

10. CodeSpark

learn coding in lagos

Another incredible place to learn coding in Lagos is CodeSpark Nigeria, which uses creative coding games and art to teach young brains the fundamentals of coding. It contends that every youngster should be able to speak fluently in the new language of coding. It has educated over 4025 pupils since it began.

Olaniyi Ayeni founded CodeSpark, a coding school that aims to provide computer knowledge and exposure to millions of Nigerian adolescents.

By reaching out to pre-teens and teenagers in schools to teach them coding skills and tech skills in fields like web and game development, robotics, virtual reality, cryptocurrency, Internet of Things, and graphics design, the institute teaches them that nobody is too young or too old to learn how to code and has made the decision to catch them young.

Therefore, irrespective of age, CodeSpark Nigeria is definitely one of the greatest locations in Lagos to quickly learn how to code.

The Advantages Of Learning Programming And Coding

There are numerous advantages to learning coding and programming. Look at some of these right now.

  • You can develop your abilities to apply original and innovative ideas into a personality by learning programming and coding.
  • It is simple for you to get a career in IT after you have programming and coding knowledge.
  • Coding and programming also assist you in developing logic-based skills, which are extremely beneficial in developing a rewarding career.
  • By mastering coding and programming, you may create innovative software that will ease human labor and strain in every area.

What distinguishes a programmer from a coder?

While programming is giving a machine a set of instructions to follow, coding refers to writing codes from one language to another. A programmer must do more than just write codes; their job is to translate reasoning into a language that a machine can understand.

Is coding a lucrative career option in Nigeria?

The typical monthly wage for a programmer or web developer in Nigeria is from #250,000 to 350,000. However, this means that programmers can make incomes that fall inside or outside of this range. An average video game developer makes #273,000.

Which coding language is the most difficult?

Malbolge. This phrase is so difficult that it needs to be separated into a separate paragraph. Malbolge is unquestionably the most challenging programming language to learn, as evidenced by the fact that it took at least two years to complete the first Malbolge code.

Can I code on my laptop?

Despite the fact that you may technically program on any laptop, you should pick one that has the power to manage the demands of coding. You can work more quickly and effectively if you have a laptop with a rapid processor, lots of RAM, and a solid-state disk.


We might be able to close the current job market gap within the next few years if we immediately begin teaching coding at all levels of education. After then, we can begin developing technology at an ever-increasing rate.

Fostering conditions that will allow new programs to permeate everyone’s lives. Not only will this allow designers and gamers to produce some truly amazing products, but if more programs are written for medical research, we might finally be able to test enough data in the proper ways and use these programs to aid in the search for cures for diseases and fatal illnesses.

Check out any of the best places to learn coding in Lagos and get started.

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